I. Overview
- This module is about the overall introduction of the marketplace literacy program. In this module, you will learn the concept of marketplace literacy and how this program is different from others.
- Activities and topics
- Lecture: 35 mins
- Who We Are: 5 min
- What Is Marketplace Literacy: 20 mins
- Our Approach: 10 mins
- Lecture: 35 mins
II. Lecture
Who we are
Watch the video below (running time: 1:10).
[ Key takeaways ]
- Professor Madhu Viswanathan from the University of Illinois (Founder and Director of the Subsistence Marketplaces Initiative, University of Illinois, and of the Marketplace Literacy Project) briefly introduces the course.
- Pioneered unique bottom up approach to studying the intersection of poverty and marketplaces
2. What Is Marketplace Literacy?
Watch the videos below (running time: 0:40).
Watch the videos below (running time: 0:40).
[ Key takeaways ]
- Elements needed to participate in marketplace?
- Financial resources
- Access to markets to buy and sell
- Marketplace literacy!
Watch the video below (running time: 1:38).
[ Key takeaways ]
- What does a person need to start own business?
- A low-income woman who has good cooking skills as a result of growing up taking care of the household.
She wants to start her own business. - To start and run the business successfully, besides cooking skills (know-what),
what does she need?- Know-how: designing menus, ensuring raw materials, identifying good location
- Know-why: why should I be customer-oriented, why should I be in this business, why should I communicate in a particular way
- A low-income woman who has good cooking skills as a result of growing up taking care of the household.
- What does "marketplace literacy" mean?
- More than just basic literacy
- Social skills, awareness of rights, and self-confidence to negotiate the marketplace as a customer and as a entrepreneur
- Marketplace literacy (with financing and market access) a key element to participate as consumers and entrepreneurs
- Levels of marketplace literacy
- Vocational/trade
- Know-how
- How to design products
- How to communicate benefits
- Know-why
- Deeper understanding of marketplace
- Why choose an enterprise
- Why strive for customer value
- Summary
- Begin with know-why as basis for know-how
- With broader understanding of the marketplace, learners can adapt to changing circumstances, and even shape the marketplace!
- Make people who are the poorest adapt and change after the learning
3. Our approach
Watch the video below (running time: 1:39).
[ Key takeaways ]
- Target learners
- Individuals with low income
- Up to high school education
- Features
- Bottom-up approach
- Emphasis on know-why
- Build on social skills irrespective of literacy level
- Use role-plays, picture sortings, simulated shopping
- Treat consumer and entrepreneur as two sides of the same coin
- Concretize, Localize, and Socialize education
- Parts - Generic Marketplace Literacy → Consumer literacy → Entrepreneur literacy
III. Activity
Watch the two introductory videos below:
Scroll down to video "Marketplace Literacy Intro Short"
[ Direction ]
- Choose at least two topics from the below.
- Leave a comment based off of this topic.
- 200-300 words recommended for each topic
- Look at others' postings and reply to at least one of others.
- How is the approach similar to other approaches you are familiar with?
- How is this approach different from other approaches you are familiar with?
- What is the essence of this approach?
- What other approaches are you familiar with that this program can complement?
- Consider a specific context in terms of geography and people.
- What aspects of the approach apply to a context you are familiar with? What do not?